Our Mission

SAINTs Animal Charity strives to improve the lives of shelter animals, by (fun)draising with a difference! Through integrity, transparency, ethical fundraising, and passion, we aim to relieve the plight of animals in need, and support animal welfare organisations in their mission to better the lives of shelter animals.

Every year we strive to break fundraising records and improve the lives of shelter animals, as well as animals in impoverished areas. We also support sterilisation projects, feral projects, animal sanctuaries, and assist in crisis where needed.

SAINTs Animal Charity started as a book-selling initiative for a shelter in need, and has now expanded to a fully-fledged Charity Shop, with an Online Shop (across various Facebook pages) of which all proceeds go to animal welfare!

We support 10 organisations, which have all met our requirements and standards, and which have grown to become a family who support one another in times of need.

SAINTs ♥ for the love of the animals!